Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla convallis egestas rhoncus. Donec facilisis fermentum sem, ac viverra ante luctus vel.
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Download our Annual Report 2016
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[imic_count to=”1380089″ speed=”1000″ icon=”fa-dollar” textstyle=”div” subject=”Amount raised”]
[imic_count to=”36″ speed=”1000″ icon=”fa-heart” textstyle=”div” subject=”Causes”]
[imic_count to=”1211″ speed=”1000″ icon=”fa-bar-chart-o fa-4x” textstyle=”div” subject=”Total members”]
[imic_count to=”61098″ speed=”1000″ icon=”fa-hand-peace-o fa-4x” textstyle=”div” subject=”People Impacted”]
Some of the success stories
"Our daughter, Ryan, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2008, at the age of 4. She received required treatments at UCLA Medical Center and after she finished her treatment, the family still had to frequent the Los Angeles area for chemo appointments and follow ups. Through a referral from the assigned medical social worker at UCLA, we were turned on to Mendiburu Magic Funds, which were provided in the form of gas cards, lodging assistance and groceries. These were a huge help to defer some of the travel costs of driving back and forth for treatments. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it gets brighter as each day passes, thank you to this foundation" — Kim, Ryan’s MotherRyanPedro
Pedro's mother, Alejandra, was worried when her 8-month old son had to be taken to Los Angeles for serious medical care. She says that she was so fortunate to have the assistance of the Mendiburu Magic Foundation to help subsidize some of her costs. She was able to spend more time at the hospital and be there with Pedro during very difficult times.PedroFaith
In a time of uncertainty, Faith’s father, Guillermo says he was very grateful to have Mendiburu Magic Foundation assist the family. He had just lost his job before his 8-year daughter became seriously ill and was afraid he wouldn’t be able to make ends meet. With a portion of the medical bills handled through the pediatric patient assistance funds, the family says they were able to make it through this tough financial and emotional time.Faith