“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.”

– Kenji Miyazawa

With decreasing public support, increasing financial burdens due to these medical conditions, and the challenge of balancing all of these factors, our families are frequently stressed and overwhelmed. Our public-benefit organization tries to assist families by relieving these stressors and contributing towards healthy community strategy. We can help with small items (things that are immediate and may possibly fall thru the cracks during necessary treatment) like home utility bills, gasoline for treatments, medication, incidentals, and lodging.  During times of catastrophic or life threatening illness for children ages 0-17, MMF provides those families assistance in creating everlasting memories and improving quality of life.

The non-profit foundation creates separate Mendiburu Magic Funds (patient assistance) at various medical organizations/hospitals within our given service area; and these monies in this account can be used towards any service request related to our MMF mission and/or stated guidelines. The Mendiburu Magic Fund is only to be used for children (and families effected) ages 0-17 and residents of Kern County and approved/screened by social services staff or medical staff employed by the partner agency.

Assistance Criteria

The non-profit foundation creates separate Mendiburu Magic Funds at various medical organizations/hospitals within our given service area; and these monies in this account can be used towards any service request related to our MMF mission and/or stated guidelines. The Mendiburu Magic Fund is only to be used for children (and families effected) ages 0-17 and residents of Kern County and approved/screened by medical social services staff employed by the partner agency. Criteria for usage of the fund are as follows:

  • All client service requests must be signed/approved by an official from the partner agency and/or medical organization that will authorize expenditure from the mentioned fund
  • The medical condition of the child (ages 0-17) must be classified as “life-threatening” and/or “catastrophic,” according to accredited medical personnel (accredited physician) employed by the partner agency and/or medical organization
  • The funded item/level of assistance cannot be something covered by normal medical insurance
  • The funded item/level of assistance must be classified as emergency and/or something that could potentially “fall thru the cracks” when the family is tending to the sick child and during the course of treatment, six months from the first day of diagnosis
  • Specially funded client requests that are not mentioned and/or clearly defined can be approved by majority vote of the Governing Board of Directors (with advice and consent from the Community Advisory Council) for Mendiburu Magic Foundation within 48 hours of the request. The Office of the President must initiate this process.

How To Apply

For more information, please contact the Mendiburu Magic Funds Representative at your hospital.

Mendiburu Magic Contact

Brian Mendiburu(661) 319-3081
Email: brianmendiburu@gmail.com

Bakersfield Memorial Hospital (Dignity Health)Liaison, Mendiburu Magic FundLana Pollema (661) 327-4647 ext 10192lana.pollema@DignityHealth.org
Cedars-Sinai Medical CenterLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundAlva Gregorio(310) 423-4446Alva.Gregorio@cshs.org
Children’s Hospital Los AngelesLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundGlenda Danek(323) 361-2485GDanek@chla.usc.edu
Children’s Hospital Los AngelesLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundHallie Stone(323) 361-8634HStone@chla.usc.edu
Children’s Hospital Orange CountyLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundErika Jewell(714) 509-4380ejewell@choc.org
Children’s Hospital Orange CountyLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundRachelle Rainey714-509-8252rrainey@choc.org
City of HopeLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundRenee Joshi(626) 256-4673rjoshi@coh.org
City of HopeLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundNina Popoff(626) 218-0487slawrence@coh.org
Loma Linda Children’s HospitalLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundMayra Benitez and Joanna DeLeon(909) 558-4000 ext 42734mbenitez@llu.edu and jadeleon@llu.edu
Phoenix Children's HospitalSocial WorkerCaley Nelson(602) 933-0167 cnelson1@phoenixchildrens.com
Rady Children’s Hospital, San DiegoLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundSandy Mueller(858) 576-1700 ext 2481smueller@rchsd.org
Rady Children’s Hospital, San DiegoLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundDavid Jay(858) 966-7583djay@rchsd.org
San Francisco Benioff Children’s HospitalLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundRosa Solorzano(415) 514-7668Rosa.Solorzan@ucsf.edu
Stanford Lucile Packard Children’s HospitalLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundKimberly Browne(650) 725-4785kbrowne@stanfordchildrens.org
UCLA Children’s HospitalLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundWhitnii Patterson Wright(310) 267-9713wpwright@mednet.ucla.edu
UCLA Children’s HospitalAssociate Director, Children's HealthLeigh Dierck(310) 794-9928LDierck@mednet.ucla.edu
Valley Children’s Hospital, MaderaLiaison, Mendiburu Magic FundMaria Gutierrez(559) 353-5270mgutierrez1@valleychildrens.org
Kern County Cancer Fund Mobile Angel UnitMichelle Avila(661) 862-7136mavila@kerncountycancerfoundation.org
Angel Flight West(888) 4-AN-ANGELwww.angelflightwest.org